Fine Chemistry for Industry
Solaris Chem, is a private Canadian company working in the domain of fine organic materials, synthesizing and providing semiconductors to the electronic industry and for academical R&D since 2007.

Our Environmental policy
Consistent with the company’s concern for the environment, Solaris Chem uses Hydro-Quebec hydro-electricity as the main power source to make its products.
Environmental preservation / sustainability
SolarisChem is partner of NSERC – Green Electronics Nework. NSERC-GreEN involves 17 industrial partners from across Canada and 14 collaborating organizations (National and International) in the field of organic electronics, packaging and printing.
The chief objective of NSERC-GreEN is to be one of the first groups in the world to develop a wide range of environmentally-benign printed sensors technologies for smart packaging, based on new organic functional materials and on the adaptation of conventional printing techniques for this cutting-edge application.
Solaris Chem
Enhancing people's quality of life
With our wealth of experience and deep knowledge, we strive for significant and far-reaching positive change that will benefit countless people today and for generations to come. We are committed to fostering a sustainable, prosperous, and equitable society that will last in the long term.
Solaris Chem
Solarischem makes investments and sponsorships in various sports disciplines, such as cycling and hockey, demonstrating its commitment to fostering a culture of sports and healthy competition.

Solaris Chem
A reliable partner for your project
Promising great services, and high quality products.