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Fullerenol C60


Fullerenol is a highly water-soluble fullerene C60 derivative that can be used in medicinal research on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, viral infection, and drug tolerances for its properties as an antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiproliferative agent.




CAS: SOL5369

Fullerenol is a highly water-soluble fullerene C60 derivative that can be used in medicinal research on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, viral infection, and drug tolerances for its properties as an antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiproliferative agent.

Our highest purity grade (SOL5369YY) is made starting from C60 99,99% solvent-free going through a green synthetic process without solvent to obtain a highly pure solvent-free Fullerenol.

*Synthesized via a Solvent-Free Method

Choose between:

Grade 99.5% (SOL5369A) – Very low solvent residual for electronics, industrial.

Grade  99.90% (SOL5369W) – Solvent-free – High Purity grade for Electronics, Biomedical R&D, Pharmaceutical

Grade 99.95% (SOL5369Y) – Solvent-free -Very High Purity grade for Electronics, standards, Biomedical R&D, and Pharmaceutical.

Grade 99.99% (SOL5369YY) – Solvent-free – Ultra High Purity grade for Electronics, standards, Biomedical R&D, Pharmaceutical

*Solvents and volatiles are removed by subjecting the C60 to a controlled heat-cool process under dynamic inert medical nitrogen in order to suppress oxidation and preserve its pristine nature.


Safety Data Sheet – SDS-SOL5369

PROMOTIONAL MATERIALSFlyer (English)  | Flyer (English) – ECO

Technical Data Sheet:

Acronyms: Fullerenol C60
Chemical Name: C60(OH)n, water-soluble C60, polyhydroxylated fullerenes
Color and Texture: brown to light yellow, powder
Molecular Weight: N/A
Absorption, λmax (Media): N/A


Emission, λmax (Media): N/A
HOMO (eV): N/A
LUMO (eV): N/A
Melting point (°C): N/A
Solubility (Solvent): water, >50 mg/ml – soluble
Other: solubility in other solventsMethanol – slightly solubledimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) – slightly soluble



(1) “Surface Alterations to Impart Antiviral Properties to Combat COVID‑19 Transmission”, Author(s): Reshma Y. Siddiquie, Amit Agrawal, Suhas S. Joshi. © Indian National Academy of Engineering 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41403-020-00096-9

(2) “Anti-Influenza Activity of C60 Fullerene Derivatives”, Author(s): Masaki Shoji, Etsuhisa Takahashi, Dai Hatakeyama, Yuma Iwai, Yuka Morita, Riku Shirayama, Noriko Echigo, Hiroshi Kido, Shigeo Nakamura, Tadahiko Mashino, Takeshi Okutani, Takashi Kuzuhara. June 13, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0066337

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* Price subject to change without prior notice

Products for Research and Development. Laboratory use only by qualified personnel. The user should read the available SDS and be aware of any precautions to take for the safe manipulation of these materials. Solarischem shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use or handling of these products. Any product can be discontinued, specifications altered or price changed at any time without prior notice. The specifications and structures do not guarantee any product’s suitability for the client’s applications or uses.