* We only sell to registered companies; our products are intended for research and development (R&D) use only.



Water-Soluble Fullerene derivatives can be used in medicinal research for the domain of neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, viral infection, and drug tolerances for its properties as antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiproliferative agent. This product can be custom made with various counterions.

Ref: SOL5262 Categories: ,


WSC60PS- SOL5262


WSC60PS, C60-(N,N-dimethyl pyrrolidinium ammonium) adduct, is a fullerene derivative that is synthesized by reacting C60 with N,N-dimethyl pyrrolidine and an alkylating agent. The resulting product is a positively charged fullerene derivative that is soluble in organic solvents.

WSC60PS is a water-soluble fullerene derivative. It can be used in medicinal research for the domain of neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, viral infection, and drug tolerances for its properties as antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiproliferative agent. This product can be custom-made with various counterions.

This is a versatile fullerene derivative that has potential applications in a wide range of fields, including materials science, biomedicine, and energy conversion.


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Grade > 99.00% (SOL5262A)


Safety Data Sheet: SDS-SOL5262

Technical Data Sheet:

Acronyms: WSC60PS
Chemical Name: C60-(N,N-dimethyl pyrrolidinium ammonium) Adduct, Water Soluble C60 
Color and Texture: dark brown powder 
Molecular Weight: N/A
Absorption, λmax (Media): N/A


Emission, λmax (Media): N/A
HOMO (eV): N/A
LUMO (eV): N/A
Melting point (°C): N/A
Solubility (Solvent): Water, alcohols
Other: N/A


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* Price subject to change without prior notice

Products for Research and Development. Laboratory use only by qualified personnel. The user should read the available SDS and be aware of any precaution to take for the safe manipulation of these materials. Solarischem shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use or handling of these products. Any product can be discontinued, specifications altered or price changed at any time without prior notice. The specifications and structures do not guarantee any product’s suitability for the client’s applications or uses.